General Company info

UniCredit StartLab is a UniCredit S.p.A. initiative



UniCredit S.p.A.


A joint stock company

Registred Office and Head Office in Milan: Piazza Gae Aulenti 3 - Tower A - 20154 Milano

Share Capital Euro € 21.367.680.521,48 fully paid in, Fiscal Code, VAT number and Registration number with the Company Register of Milan-Monza-Brianza-Lodi: 00348170101

Registered in the Register of Banking Groups and Parent Company of the UniCredit Banking Group, with. cod. 2008.1; Cod. Abi 02008.1

Member of the National Interbank Deposit Guarantee Fund and the National Compensation Fund. 

Stamp duty paid virtually, if due - Auth. Agenzia delle Entrate, Ufficio di Roma 1, no. 143106/07 of 21.12.2007